This is a big one, hope you are all ready for this! Lets dive in.
The key things in this vehicle update are that we added fuel and battery mechanics. There won't be any more infinite driving around the island. Here is how those features will work:
Cars now spawn with 30-50% health 0-30% fuel and 0-30% battery life
All cars that are on the island (cars in bases or cars that were already spawned somewhere on the island) before the patch, will have 10-30% fuel and battery life and the same health as before
Fuel is consumed while starting the car if the car is turned on and idle, and while driving.
If your car has no fuel, you won't be able to start it at all.
There are 2 new interactions Fill Fuel and Drain Fuel
You can fill fuel in your car in 2 ways, either go to a gas station or you have a gasoline canister
Drain fuel is used to remove gasoline from a car into a gasoline canister. You have to have the canister in hands, close vicinity or inventory
The car battery is drained by turning the car on, having lights turned on, radio and honking
If your battery is below 20% capacity turning the car on will take longer, the current time needed to turn on the car can get up to 8 seconds depending on how depleted your battery is and your driving skill
If your battery is empty there are 2 ways you can start your car.
1. If your car is on a downhill slope, the acceleration key (W) will simulate the clutch. So when the car starts going downhill hold the W key until it turns on, pressing the break or releasing the W key will turn the car off again.
2. If you are not on a downhill slope, you need to hold the acceleration key while another player needs to do the Push Start action on the car, this will push start the car.
We added a new interaction Charge Battery if your battery levels are drained
If your car battery is empty you need to have another car battery with at least 1 use in it to be able to charge the car battery
If your battery gets drained to 0% while driving lights, horn and the radio will stop working. Same applies if the battery gets drained while trying to start the car.
The battery will slowly empty itself during 7 days
The battery recharges while driving